1. プライバシーポリシー

D-O Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") has established the following personal information protection policy as follows, We established a mechanism for personal information protection, recognizing the importance of protecting personal information to all employees We will promote protection of personal information by thorough efforts.

1. Management of personal information
The Company maintain customer's personal information accurately and up to date, In order to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, The Company have taken necessary measures, such as maintaining and maintaining the security system and establishing a thorough employee training, The Company will implement safety measures and strict management of personal information.

2. Purpose of using personal information
Personal information you gave us from customers, we will contact you from our company, business guidance, As an answer to your question, we will use it for sending emails and documents.

3. Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
The Company properly manage personal information received from customers, The Company will not disclose personal information to third parties unless it falls under any of the following.

・ When there is customer consent

・In order to provide the services the customer desires,
 When The Company disclose to a contractor entrusted to us

・When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and ordinances

4. Safety measures for personal information
In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, The Company have taken thorough measures for security.

5. Your inquiry
If you wish to inquire, modify or delete your personal information, After confirming that you are the principal, I will correspond.

6. Compliance with laws and regulations, norms and review
In compliance with Japanese laws and regulations and other norms applicable to personal information held, The Company will review the contents of this policy as appropriate and strive to improve it.

Date of enactment April 1, 2016
D-O Co., Ltd  
CEO Nagaaki Sawano  

<Personal information inquiry window>
For inquiries about the handling of our personal information, please contact the following.
TEL 03-6265-3223 (weekdays from 10: 00 to 18: 00)